PeRRiiN (comments)
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Hey, Mr. P! Happy upcoming Thanksgiving! What have you been up to? Are you still on Myspace?
Wow, you 'told' them that? That's great. It's true about the CSS. I wonder why they're abandoning it. But one thing that bothers me is this: I keep hearing people who allegedly 'work' for MS tell people who've voiced opinions like yours (and mine because I agree with you) that all we can do is 'deal with it', or 'We don't have a choice'. I really don't like that way of thinking. Maybe Tom et al have a point: they seem SO sure that people will stay on and just 'deal' with whatever comes their way on MS. It's like, they don't think people can leave. I like MS a LOT but..let's face it: even Rome fell in a day.
As mush as I like it, the CSS...I have to be able to customize my page to my liking. That's why I stay on. With no flash or's just boring. I'm not on there much now. What are they doing with the 3.0? I haven't 'tried' it, only 'seen' it. I have about 10 1.0 profiles and a 2.0.. Glad I kept those. Whew! So what other site do you know of that will allow CSS and customization? Hell, if we can't find one, maybe we ought to leave MS and start our OWN! Ha Ha!
Hmmm. What do you think about the Myspace 3.0? Glad you come back to check the messages here:) That's good:] I may just start doing the same thing; just coming back to check messages.Other than that sometimes it feels like this place is dead:]
So, may I ask (conversationally) what brought you to CB? I'm just curious. I came to learn to make layouts. They are still waiting in limbo to be reviewed. Maybe one will make it through:} Who knows? ha.
Superman! whats up? how's life, and the designing going? yeah, I'm not on myspace anymore. I'm actually "hot linking" the player from my girls page, which is awesome cause she hates this song! lol! photography & photo editing is my new obsession (although i still can do the a transparent background) lol!
lolz! yeah, i just didn't want to burst his bubble.
It's just amazing how right they 'think' they are lmao.
Hey Perrin m/showthread.php?t=16&page=2
lolwtf. no. i think i've seen you in the myspace forums b4.
hey! i'm back on myspace... so i need to exploit your kindness! bwahahaha! no, i'm kidding, but i would like your opinion. i'll send you a friend request as soon i i get it presentable. late! :)
i kno right?! ppl on here are sooo fuckin lame... it's no wonder you stop submitting. oh! did you notice my url in the address bar on top of my page? if not take a look. lol!
nah man, don't change it! it makes you flow, and that's a good thing!
wait, wait, wait!
you don't like screamo?! that's because you listening to the wrong bands! check out a band called "i set my friends on fire" do it! lol!
I know you don't know who I am. But I know who you are. I've seen you on myspace and the such before. But if you come around as a dick. people will just be dicks back.
Dude, I've read some of the things you've posted while on here. If you're gonna continue to bash people on here.. it won't end nicely for you.
haha! i just peeped your page! i find it ironic how you made your 2.0 page look like a 1.0 default. that's really creative! not too sure about the colors in the header, nav though... what is that an image?
a job?! eek! doing what?
I'm very sorry.
I didn't know this belonged to someone. I had all the codes saved in my notepad and thought this was mine.
Due to the favor, I removed the code.
I thank you for reminding me this.
Thank you and sorry.
I'm very sorry.
I didn't know this belonged to someone. I had all the codes saved in my notepad and thought this was mine.
Due to the favor, I removed the code.
I thank you for reminding me this.
Thank you and sorry.
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