PeRRiiN (comments)
Displaying 21 - 40 of 69 comments
ARGH! YOUR COMMENT BOX HATES ME! lol I always have to view it in basic and type in their comment box. xP lol
Anyway, yeah! go for it dear =) [btw I call everyone dear, I'm sure it's starting to sound odddd but I can't help it. lol]
ohhhh and I loveeeeee that song. =) vvvv [MUSE
Haha you're welcome dear. =)
Seriously! 2.0 takes the idea of DIV and makes it NOT gay. lol
I used to do DIVs and I wished there was an easier way than having to write out the entire script myself. and then 2.0 came out of nowhere. lol =) Made my day
sh*t bro i just remembered you succeeded in making an un-stealable lyt! "homepage", and i sure w/ your new one (i haven't tried) but because you have sections of the code in different locations it's hard to know what goes where! far too hard for a beginner or some one w/ knowledge of css & html. congrats! :] and w/ me it would take longer than usual! lol!
well as long as you believe in me, i feel i can do anything! LMAO!!!!
obviously! I'm soooooo jealous of your skills! I need to get of my ass, and start learning 2.0 in dept. I've been really UN-motivated these past couple of weeks. u know?
Upload a screenshot, I'm on a school computer, cause the DSL in my room is down for the time being.
on the lyt, the about me and the comments will not fit in the boxes see? j27qs9.jpg
does a bear sh*t in the woods?! of course i want it! lol! slap a credit on there, and pass that sh*it man!!!!
sh*t! i forgot to ask, how is the 2.0 homepage going?
thx! i took you advice, and it look alot better! your welcome to have it if you want! (you only, of course) lol!
i want your expert opinion on my cb lyt... to busy? or it's fine. oh yeah! i have to draw your attention to the top banner! ;)
two hrs? it would have took me 2 months! i hate you dude! lol! j/k! holy shit dude! that's awesome! i love the stalk me rollover! you're a effin genius!
nah, all i have is my tester page... i deleted my page, because i didn't see a point of haven't w/o that homepage lyt!!!!!!! no j/k, my ex's were cause "el mucho drama" that my girl didn't like so i got rid of it. i never did anything on there but make lyts anyway (my real friends can't afford computers lol!). hey! i love yours, it's fucking awesome!!!!! (no surprise) hey since your going to keep that one for a while you can start working on a 2.0 homepage lyt for me!!!! huh? huh? yeah you like that idea don't you! oh yeah! number 6 on my list to ask Andres is how to make backgrounds transparent using GIMP?
haven't seen your myspace page in awhile, anything new? bwahahahaha!
n/m i had a brain fart, i got it... yeah, i think i'm going to try 2.0 thing again (on my page), but idk...
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